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Timeless 1 9

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Timeless will be back for 10 episodes this summerdon't count on a 3rd season even if we do get all 10. DVD, no Blu rayand somebody was too lazy to put even one 'Behind the scenes' extra on the set, just deleted scenes (subtitled just like the broadcast episodes.that's a rarity) and a 'gag reel' consisting mostly of blown lines and prop. Created by Eric Kripke, Shawn Ryan. With Abigail Spencer, Matt Lanter, Malcolm Barrett, Paterson Joseph. An unlikely trio travel through time in order to battle unknown criminals and protect history as we know it.

This hour starts with Wyatt and Lucy debating the concept of soul mates while ducking under a hail of bullets.

They have a perfect case in point on Timeless Season 1 Episode 9: doomed outlaws Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow. The connection? The Rittenhouse key that Flynn is seeking was a gift from Clyde to Bonnie stolen from Henry Ford.

Early on, the only functional relationship among the trio is on display as Rufus and Jiya share a parting kiss before the mission. This development is news to Rufus' partners.

Rufus: I trust Jiya.
Wyatt: I bet you do. I've got eyes, you sly dog.
Lucy: What? Is it happening? I told you it was going to happen.

  • Permalink: What? Is it happening? I told you it was going to happen.

Right before the mission, Lucy has had a disastrous date with her fiance Noah, with whom she has zero chemistry. Wyatt has the right idea when he tells her to cut Noah loose.

You should let [Noah] be with who he is supposed to be with.

Wyatt [to Lucy]
  • Permalink: You should let be with who he is supposed to be with.

After being exposed to the love between the two wanted felons, Wyatt and Lucy lie stiffly in bed and discuss love, taking different tacks. Wyatt sees it as pre-ordained, while Lucy urges that they be open to possibilities.

After Wyatt's romantic recreation of his proposal to his late wife Jessica, he kisses Lucy. Both try to blow it off at mission's end, but it's definitely the start of something. Good or bad is yet to be determined, as forced partner romance has killed many a show. But at least they're not giving off that brother-sister vibe as much.

Meanwhile, poor Rufus gets interrogated for not fading into the background like black men of that era should do. Fortunately, he continues to think on his feet, using his Wesley Snipes license to escape trouble. I mean, few people today know who Wesley Snipes is let alone those in 1934.

If only poor Lucy could improvise as well as Rufus. Shouldn't a history professor understand that in the times she's visiting a woman opening an account would need her husband or father's permission, as the bank official condescendingly suggests?

Maybe we'll start getting some progress on the Rittenhouse front now that Agent Christopher is digging into it. A former cop has got to be able to make more progress than a history professor, a solider and a computer geek, all smart, but not in the right way, have been unable to up to this point.

Beyond Rittenhouse being some kind of shadowy, manipulative American Illuminati, what is it's purpose? Rocket league 1 53 download free.

With just rudimentary sleuthing, Christopher has uncovered what we suspected all along: Mason made a deal with the devil to pull himself back from economic ruin. Unfortunately, this has put a target on her back.

Our organization has survived many industrious, well-intentioned government officials and journalists over the years. Trust me. Agent Christopher won't be the exception.

Cahill [to Mason]
  • Permalink: Our organization has survived many industrious, well-intentioned government officials and..

At least Rufus, recognizing that he's out of his element, takes Wyatt's earlier advice and trusts Christopher, promising to tell her all he knows about Rittenhouse. The trio really needs to connect with someone outside the project, and she's really the only choice, despite her gruff exterior. But who would expect her to be a dance mom?

Is the key Flynn stole somehow the key to everything else? It did offer up a cryptic message:

Lucy: The Latin on the key means: 'The key to medieval time and the key to the end of time.'
Wyatt: Oh, boy. That's not disturbing at all.

  • Permalink: Oh, boy. That's not disturbing at all.

It also earned Flynn a scroll recovered from a weird-ass clock in a museum (?), which caused raised eyebrows. We couldn't have read the message over his shoulder instead?

The producers have gone back to dribbling out the Rittenhouse information, which is unacceptable. With the fall finale looming next Monday, it's time to ramp up the mythology and connect more than a few dots before NBC puts the show on hiatus for a couple of months, and viewers forget what little bit they've been told.

Open the spigot a bit in order to stem the viewership bleeding if Timeless is to ever reach a second season. Show some cards now in order to reshuffle the deck in the future. Is that enough cliches to get the point across?

To figure how and when the mythology has been released, watch Timeless online.

Who's your favorite cute couple: Rufus and Jiya, Wyatt and Lucy or Mason and Cahill? What is Rittenhouse, or do you even care anymore? Can the Lifeboat go forward in time? Comment below.

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Dale McGarrigle is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter.

Flynn and the trio almost nipped Rittenhouse in the bud.

In the end, they just couldn't pull the trigger.

Everyone went back to 1780 to capture traitor Benedict Arnold, who holds the secret to Rittenhouse on Timeless Season 1 Episode 10.

Fortunately, it didn't take long to find out what was on the scroll which Flynn stole from a museum on Timeless Season 1 Episode 9.

The scroll was written by, of all people, Benedict Arnold, who naturally was a founding member of Rittenhouse.

Although, I gotta say, he doesn't really fit the captains of industry motif of other Rittenhouse members. He's more of a footnote in history, which is what happens when you switch to the losing team.

It seems Arnold was a member of the entitled ruling class, which is why he really didn't fit in with the scraggly rebels.

Lucy: One time he paid 1,000 pounds, which would be like $80,000 today, for one bottle of wine.
Wyatt: Who does that?
Rufus: A grade-A douche-nozzle.

  • Permalink: A grade-A douche-nozzle.

The trio was willing to make a deal with the devil if it gets rid of the boogeyman of Rittenhouse hanging over them.

You help me get Benedict Arnold, no more Rittenhouse, no more chasing me through time, your wife's killer found, everybody wins.

  • Permalink: You help me get Benedict Arnold, no more Rittenhouse, no more chasing me through time, your..

It seemed simple enough. Kill off the founder of Rittenhouse, and Rittenhouse disappears from history.

Unfortunately, when you're talking secret societies, the devil is in the details. Who knew that Rittenhouse had a son, who had been indoctrinated with his father's poison?

John Rittenhouse: My father says peasants are like the hands of a clock, round and round they go.
Lucy: What does that mean?
John: A peasant is no more capable of choosing his own path than the hands of a clock.
Lucy: Who chooses the path for them?
John: The clockmaker, of course.

  • Permalink: The clockmaker, of course.

Instead, by killing the father David, they ensure that the enraged son would continue his father's legacy. Oops.

So was Lucy wrong to protect John and not let Flynn kill him?

Nah. It was clear Rittenhouse already had disciples who could have just as easily kept his crusade going. Probably easier, since they were faceless minions (not the cute animated kind).

How did Flynn and the trio work together? Not bad, up until he turned on them. Actually, the rescue scene played out like every Western bar brawl, complete with breaking chairs.

Lots of warm fuzzy sides shown for characters outside the big three (four if you count Flynn).

A drunk Mason interrupts Rufus and Jiya's nerd love (videogames and pizza). He explains he's not a bad guy. He just wanted to invent a better vacuum for his poor housekeeper mother.

Turns out he's a great inventor but a lousy businessman, which is why is he, and by extension Rufus, ended up in bed with some bad men.

Rufus rightfully didn't forgive him.

Then there's Lucy having dinner with Agent Christopher and her wife Michelle. (Timeless is nothing if not diverse.)

Christopher feels pain for Lucy's mother for a loss she doesn't even know she has.

As hard as it must be for you to remember your sister, what's worse for me is that your mother doesn't. Davinci resolve studio 14 3 – professional color correction paper. She has a daughter she doesn't even know existed.

Christopher [to Lucy]
  • Permalink: As hard as it must be for you to remember your sister, what's worse for me is that your..

It was a great concept she had of placing a disk about her family in the Lifeboat, so Lucy could tell her about them if,for some reason,they too disappear.

Even Flynn has a soft side, when he's not busy shooting key figures from history. Growing up, he wanted to be a cowboy, which explains all the gunplay.

He even plans to ride off into the sunset after he re-writes history, since he's been a bad man.

Timeless 1.sezon 9

By chasing Rittenhouse, I've done terrible things, become something else. I can't bring that into my home. What kind of husband or father can I be after what I've done?

Flynn [to Lucy]
  • Permalink: By chasing Rittenhouse, I've done terrible things, become something else. I can't bring that..

And it's always fun watching Lucy make googly eyes at historical figures, Washington this time around.

Lucy: I know I should be getting used to all this but this one ..
Wyatt: What, that's it's George Washington or that he might want to kill us?
Lucy: Both.

  • Permalink: I know I should be getting used to all this but this one ..

So let's recap: Despite evidence to the contrary, Rittenhouse isn't an individual. Rather, it's a group of the elite manipulating the masses (kind of like the Trump cabinet).

Lucy crossed Flynn one too many times, so he's abducted her to prove that he's right and she's wrong. I'm sure being kidnapped will put her in the right frame of mind.

Since this was the fall finale, watch Timeless online to see if there's any narrative threads you missed week to week.

What did you learn about Rittenhouse? Do you feel sorry either for Flynn or Mason? Who's your favorite historical figure so far (don't say Hamilton)? Comment below.

Timeless 1 999

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Timeless Season 1 Episode 9 Recap

Dale McGarrigle is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter.

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